In 2015, the Peabody Essex Museum kicks off the first U.S. tour featuring Theo Jansen's famed kinetic sculptures. Dynamic and interdisciplinary, Jansen's Strandbeests (beach animals) blur the lines between art and science, sculpture and performance. The exhibition will celebrate the thrill of the Strandbeests' unique locomotion as well as the processes that have driven their evolutionary development on the Dutch seacoast. The exhibition will premiere at PEM in Fall 2015, then travel to Chicago and San Francisco.


For more information:
Theo Jansen's site,
Theo Jansen's TED Talk,
Theo's Jansen's Wikipedia page,
Ian Frazier, "The March of the Strandbeests" The New Yorker, September 5, 2011
Lawrence Weschler, "Theo Jansen's Lumbering Life-Forms Arrive in America" The New York Times Magazine, November 26, 2014
Strandbeest + The Simpsons